PEOPLE WITH NO COUNTRY is pleased to announce the publication of its seventh book:

Book Release the book of poetry by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, I Have Moved On To Other Things 

How does the inventor of a monetary system survive the blitzed attention to come? He flies to some mountains maybe in Myanmar to hide away inside the skies of his mind. The words “I have moved on to other things” were the last words supposedly written by the mysterious Bitcoin inventor. Taking his words seriously, we at PEOPLE imagine for him a new occupation: doodler and composer of bit poetry… 


"Right from the moment of learning of the name Satoshi Nakamoto a mere couple of weeks ago, it was immediately apparent to us here at FFPEOPLEWITH that the characterization of him, whether as an idea or actual living person, was poetry in of itself. Imagine then our surprise when, in the midst of trying to understand the man and his invention, Bitcoin, we received a missive from the supposedly pseudonymous character himself, Satoshi Nakamoto, regarding our interest in him in terms of poetry. We had spent an entire day in a sense ‘mining' social media bitcoin forums in amusement or despair, wondering if the poetic gesture of Mr Nakamoto, this phenomenon of hiding he took upon himself, could pop out like a gem amongst the blitzed underground coinism of the system he created. 

To discover that the reclusive Mr Nakamoto had been working on a book of poems was a wonderful thing indeed. 

It has been a feverish week since then, of exploring the mood and forms of his words, discerning how best to present his poetry and poetic imagination against the drawings that came with… And what of the term ‘BIT POETRY’, we asked. Well, according to Mr Nakamoto, the phrase derives from the point of location or non-location of the words as hidden utterance within the mining (i.e. of a bitcoin genesis block). 

He had begun to ‘write poetry’ or arrange the words as poems after he found himself slipping in words, like doodling between exercise books. When fished out of the incomprehensible, the words denote a feeling, mood or “just words with something intact”. 

‘Bit Poetry’ therefore is that non/place of snippets mined out of the process (of bitcoin mining). To this end, we here at FFPW kept the presentation in visual context of bit mining, even incorporating the drawings and collage-like images to be presented with the words.

Are these ‘poems’, these aphorisms, of blood and tears or art, of the issues to which they speak — or are we being trolled?

Satoshi Nakamoto’s withdrawal heralds both revolt and the accomplice. Which is why his poems delight us so, here at FFPW, a publication house as pseudonymous as Nakamoto, established to examine the absence of a thing, whether of (not)belonging or ‘the real’, the defect or unavailability of the given. 

These fleeting, solipsistic yet sagaciously empathetic musings explore, even in their brevity and slight handling, a range of themes dark and light, slow and fast, whether of death or suicide or life taking a stroll, as Nakamoto says, ‘of anti-aesthetics’. To be so helplessly involved yet find yourself divorced is to be of troll and Spirit, and this has been a recurring argument we at FFPW have had to examine in ourselves. One must, however, declare the Spirit: an arrant spirit of mind that keeps our sense of humour here ever free; and Satoshi Nakamoto appears to intuitively apprehend this aspect of living quite well.

Like us, Satoshi Nakamoto lives with the bare minimum, in a state of bliss, never entirely free of an unrelenting, private angst that like us, he carries alongside his own countryless struggle. 

Like us, you too just might find his book of poetry as refreshing as a cool glass of water on a clear day —  even if the pages have been designed after the underground aesthetics of a bitcoin genesis block. 

These private musings, including the drawings and imageries, of the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto will inspire you the reader to a kind of interiority, an interiority developed, perhaps, from absence in which Mr Nakamoto resides, but one surely relevant as balm to an age and future world to come that a character like Mr Nakamoto has had, directly or not or left to be seen, a terrific hand in bringing into shape."


February 4th, 2021

"I Have Moved On To Other Things a book of poetry and images by the pseudonymous SATOSHI NAKAMOTO"

Artist : Isoje Chou

Limited Artist Edition, ISBN 9781775161370

Softcover, 59 pages full colour : poetry, drawing and images, With foreword; 66 pages total, 40lbs stock, pigment ink, matte

Size: 196.85 x 266.7 x 8.38 mm

All drawings, images etc, poetry or words by Isoje Chou Aruo Ogiso 

Image of death transcendence on p.30 direct reference to Cai Guy-Qiang’s Ladder To The Sky

In studio printing / perfect binding


To order limited editions in studio bound copy: contact

All other information request: email 


First Printing 2021  


Published by FUFU PRESS



A PEOPLE WITH NO COUNTRY PUBLICATION, all copyrights, 0000 - 2023